Eho kuatia retepýpe

James Clerk Maxwell

James Clerk Maxwell
Mba'érepa omano Akytã'ai
Hetã Tavetã Joaju
Tekombo'e Marischal College Aberdeen pegua, King's College Lóndyre pegua, Cambridge Mbo'ehaovusu
Alma máter Edimburgo Mbo'ehaovusu
Hembiapo Mbo'ehára mbo'ehaovusúpe
Empleador King's College de Londres, Universidad de Aberdeen, Universidad de Cambridge
Jokuaikuaa rape socialismo cristiano
Omendáva Katherine Clerk Maxwell
Itúva ha isy John Clerk Maxwell de Middlebie ha Frances Cay
Jopói miembro de la Royal Society, Medalla Rumford, Bakerian Lecture, Medalla Keith, Premio Adams, Miembro de la Sociedad Real de Edimburgo, Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame y Premio Smith
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James Clerk Maxwell (13 jasyoateĩ 1831-5 jasypateĩ 1879)[1] ha'e akue pateĩ papapykuaahára[2][3] ha tembikuaatyhára Ekósia pegua. Mba'e tuichavéva ohupyty va'ekue ha'e ojapórõguare mba'ekuaarã tendyryñohasa randipytu rehegua (radiación electromagnética), upéicha ombojoajuraẽ tendyry, magnetismo ha tesape ha ohechauka ha'ehague mba'e peteĩete ojehechauka opaichaguáva. Maxwell mbojojahakuéra (ecuaciones de Maxwell), ojapo va'ekue tendyryñohasa ñehesa'ỹijópe, ojehechakuaa oparupi “mba'erekokuaa ñemopeteĩ guasu mokõiha” ramo, upe peteĩha ha'e Isaac Newton mba'éva.[4][5]

Oikuaauka rire A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field ary 1865-pe, Maxwell ohechauka va'ekue ohoha ñekonícha umi campo eléctrico (tendyry rendaha) ha campo magnético (magnetismo rendaha) pa'ũ tuichakuévo ha ohupyty hikuái tesape pya'ekue. Maxwell he'i avei tesape ha'eha ñekoni ohóva ohohápe avei umi tendyryñohasa mba'e.[6] Oñemopeteĩ rire tesape ha tendyry peteĩetéicha, ikatu oñeimo'ã oĩha umi puhoe ñekoni (ondas de radio)[7]. Ojehechakuaa avei Maxwell ha'eha pe omboypy va'ekue tendyry mba'eapokuaa javeguáva (ingeniería eléctrica).[8]

Hembiapokue rupive ikatu jaikepa ko mba'erekokuaa ãgaguápe ha upe rupive oñemopyenda ojekuaa hag̃ua mba'ekuaarã joguerahaviárava ijapýva (relatividad especial) ha mekánika kuántika rehegua. Heta he'i Maxwell-gui ha'eha tembikuaatyhára sa'ary XIX pegua oipytyvõvéva mba'erekokuaa sa'ary XX pegua. Heta avei ombojoja hembiapokue tembikuaatýpe Isaac Newton térã Albert Einstein mba'évandi.[9]

  1. «James Clerk Maxwell; Scottish mathematician and physicist» (en en). Encyclopedia Britannica (21 de diciembre de 2018). Ojehechákuri árape: 9 de enero de 2019.
  2. "James Clerk Maxwell." School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences University of St Andrews: November 1997.
  3. "Topology and Scottish mathematical physics." University of St Andrews.
  4. «Electromagnetism, Maxwell’s Equations, and Microwaves». IEEE Virtual Museum (2008). Ojehechákuri árape: 2 de junio de 2008.
  5. Nahin, P.J.. „Maxwell's grand unification“. IEEE Spectrum, 29 (3) (1992). DOI:10.1109/6.123329. 
  6. Maxwell, James Clerk. „A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field“. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 155, 459–512 (1865). DOI:10.1098/rstl.1865.0008.  (This article accompanied an 8 December 1864 presentation by Maxwell to the Royal Society. His statement that "light and magnetism are affections of the same substance" is at page 499.)
  7. Eddy L Molina. «On the direct solution of Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetic waves». Ojehechákuri árape: 2023-10-09.
  8. Tapan K. Sakar, Magdalena Salazar-Palma, Dipak L. Sengupta; James Clerk Maxwell: The Founder of Electrical Engineering; 2010 Second Region 8 IEEE Conference on the History of Communications;IEEE
  9. James Clerk Maxwell : a biography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1981. p. 2. ISBN 0-226-80785-1. OCLC 8688302.